The SportContrainer from Eindhoven Sport has been traveling through Eindhoven for some time now.
Since April 2024, it has been in Vredeoord and we have carried out a monitoring study to collect user experiences and map the use of the SportContrainer.
We did this on the basis of observations, interviews with local stakeholders, conducting questionnaires among users and residents and monitoring using radar technology from HUSENSE.
The research at the third and final location has now been completed, the results of which can be found in the slides below! This completes the entire research and we have brought together our findings from the SportContrainer at the 3 different Eindhoven locations (Eckart, Gestel and Vredeoord) in an advisory report.
This report (Sorry dutch NL -only) can be downloaded from the website of our partner InnoBeweeglab 📲 https://innobeweeglab.nl/download/adviesrapport-sportcontrainer/
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